Tag: concordia

Concordia: Building in the Roman provinces

Concordia: Building in the Roman provinces

A friend of mine recently let me borrow a few games since he’s been fairly busy recently. One game I now have in my possession is Concordia.  I love this game — and it’s been on my wishlist forever — but I have never got around to buying it. Maybe a new gift card to my friendly local game store will soon remedy that?

Anyway, Concordia has a great mix of board-game mechanics: resource management, deck building, set collecting and point-to-point movement along a colorful map. The artwork on the box isn’t too exciting (and doesn’t really convey what the game exactly does), but, believe me, the game is solid. And, the rule book is 2 front-to-back pages, and one setup sheet. That’s seriously just 5 pages for a medium-heavy board game. Mind blown!

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