Tag: just one

We went to the Philippines and played some games! 

We went to the Philippines and played some games! 

In February, my husband and I went to the Philippines and had an amazing time with family in the Manila area. We even visited two other islands! For those unfamiliar, the Philippines has over 7,500 islands, with Luzon the biggest and most populous island and it’s where the nation’s capital Manila is located. It has been decades since I’ve gone back to the motherland, and there is something truly special about connecting with relatives you haven’t seen in person in a long while, while being around the culture and people just like you — all the Filipinos! 

During my trip, I was able to squeeze in some gamine and visited a Gaming Library store (the one inside Alter Ego in Mangaluyong City) and buy some games. The employees were really nice and answered my questions about games, mainly if the Tagalog version of a particular game was similar to the English version or was it something different. I ended up purchasing Just One — in Tagalog! 

The cards in this version of Just One are all in Tagalog.

I also asked if they had a copy of the card game Darna at ang Nawawalang Bato, and they searched high and low to give me a demo copy that was a little beat up. It absolutely did not matter to me its condition, as I was so happy to take it! Darna is a Filipina superheroine that first appeared in 1950. 

I’m so happy to finally own a copy of this game, which is now out of print.

I also purchased my own sungka game at another store in the mall. Sungka is a Filipino mancala-type game that uses this wooden board and seashells as the counters.

I played a lot of games of sungka with my grandma growing up.

I also played a bunch of games with my game-loving family. During one weekend, we played a bunch of games outdoors near the pool. My cousin gifted us Games of the Generals, a Stratego-type “fog of war” game where you’re trying to capture your opponent’s Flag by marching your army pieces, which has a hierarchical order to their strengths. The game can play 3 players, with one person playing as the arbiter, who determines which piece wins battles, as you and your opponent can only see what’s behind your metal pieces. You and your opponent then only can deduce which army piece eliminated your piece, and a lot of the game is remembering where your opponent’s potentially strong pieces are. You can also play as a 2-player game, and in that version, when a battle happens, players reveal the two pieces in the battle, and you both can figure out which piece is stronger. I also learned this game is also called Salpakan, which means to slap. Let the slapping commence! 

I eventually could not hide my flag and my opponent captured it during this game.

Next up was chess. (I am very bad at chess but I know all the rules to play it. My nephew totally kicked my butt!) I also learned that when their pawn gets to the other side of the board, it gets promoted to a stronger piece. I told Chris that I never saw that on “Queen’s Gambit,” and he’s like, it doesn’t happen when people are good at playing chess. 🙃

I really should be playing more chess to improve my game. It’s one of the first games I learned.

We also played backgammon on an old set from Greece. My cousin owned this board after a neighbor gave it to her before they moved, but she never played it, so she gifted it to us. One of the pieces is missing, so there’s a 10 peso coin on the board in its place, and it’ll always remind me that it came from the Philippines. 

My cousin gave me this older backgammon set from Greece.

If you ever attend a Filipino party, there’s always mahjong. This is the quintessential gambling game that Filipinos love to play. The rules are a little different depending on each culture, but it’s a game that I’ve grown up playing and it always makes me feel nostalgic for the family parties of my childhood. 

Trying to complete my hand of tiles during our mahjong game.

My other cousin also owned this charming deck of Byzantine-themed playing cards that Byzantine Time Traveler designed and sells. I was able to buy a deck when we visited the Ayala Museum in Makati later in the trip.

The artwork for this deck is just delightful and super informative!

Lastly, we also played a lot of Pusoy Dos. According to Wikipedia, “Pusoy dos (or Filipino poker, also known as chikicha or sikitcha), a variation of big two, is a popular type of “shedding” card game.” The object of the game is to be the first to discard your hand by playing poker hands to the table. I played A LOT of this game in college because it’s fast, strategic and can be played with any deck of cards. The lowest value card, according to the rules I play, is the 3 of spades and the highest is the 2 of diamonds. I use the the mnemonic Daly City High School to remember the order of the suits. When someone plays a pair of 4’s, then the next person has to play 4’s of a higher suit or a higher pair in general. If everyone passes, then that person can lead the next thing to beat.

I have the 2 of diamonds, which is the highest card the version of Pusoy Dos we play.

In addition to spending time in the Manila area, we island hopped to Coron in Palawan as well as Boracay. Though a little remote and rural, Coron was breathtakingly gorgeous. I had never ever seen water so clean and clear — it was just like a movie set!

The water in Coron is so crystal clear, with a bright turquoise tint to it!

We took an all-day boat tour to explore small nearby islands and we snorkeled, kayaked, hiked and swam, even eating a seafood lunch on picnic tables with food cooked on the boat. We especially loved seeing the fish, the Twin Lagoon Lake and Kayagan Lake, which requires climbing 163 steps up and 204 steps down to access the lake. And then you need to climb the reverse of that to get back to your boat! Just stunning! 

We purchased a Go Pro right before we left, and we got so many photos during our water excursions!

During our time in the Philippines, we also visited Boracay, which has a completely different vibe than Palawan. Boracay is a resort town with lots of hotels, restaurants and water activities.

The white sand beaches of Boracay. It was about 9 a.m. and the crowds hadn’t woken up yet.

We signed up for helmet diving, which is walking across the ocean floor in a pressurized helmet. It takes a little getting used to to pressurize your ears as you climb down the ladder, but nothing too bad. It was so much fun! We did helmet diving on Valentine’s Day and snapped this photo. 

Happy Valentine’s Day from Boracay!

Overall, the Philippines is a must-recommend travel destination! The Manila area is just like a big city — densely populated with lots of traffic — but it was nice staying in a walkable city with access to so many restaurants, malls and things to do. For the other islands, we took small planes via Philippine Airlines, and stayed at beautiful resorts there. Most everyone speaks English in the country, the food is so diverse, yummy and cheap (based on the U.S. dollar exchange rate), and the hospitality is top-notch.

Some Filipino street food — chicken and pork isaw — at a small eatery on the University of the Philippines campus.

We did so much and visited so many places in two weeks, and I’m so grateful to be able to spend time with my relatives. Can’t wait to go back (hopefully it won’t be decades until we return) and visit other islands next time!

An overhead shot from the airplane of Coron Island in the province of Palawan.
Friendship Con 2022: Phoenix

Friendship Con 2022: Phoenix

It’s July and the summer is halfway over! The heat in Phoenix is getting to be unbearable (112 degree days, anyone?), and one way to combat the heat is by staying inside and playing board games. During the last week of June, my two friends flew to Phoenix to visit my friend and me so that we could host this year’s Friendship Con! I look forward to this week every year so that I can disconnect from work and just hang out and play games with friends for five days! 

We love good swag here at Friendship Con. We got water canteens for everyone, plus a variety of stickers.


We kicked off gaming with QE! This has been my go-to short-ish game of late. The game is just bonkers because it’s essentially no-limit betting! Nations are secretly bidding on industry tokens, which are worth VPs and other points for set collection purposes, and the winner is the one with the most VPs. But if you’re the person who bid the most during the game, you’re immediately ineligible to win, despite possibly having the most VPs. It also has an element of hidden information because only the starting bidder on each turn can see everyone’s bid.

QE is a delightful game of no-limit bidding!

We then played a game of Container. I can never quite wrap my head around this economic simulation game, in which you’re building factories, producing goods, selling goods, storing goods, auctioning off goods and storing them on your island, but I always have a good time playing it! The trick is that you can’t really do any single of these things from your port (except build factories and produce goods), but instead they have to come from other player’s supply chains and warehouses. I also enjoy the auction element of this game: bidding on ships that get to the island, ships that you don’t always completely full of goods. The final score is also calculated based on a personalized secret objective card where goods are worth different points, but the goods that you have the most of are removed from scoring. 

Shipping and bidding on goods in Container. Dang, those supply chain issues just get to you!

Wingspan was next. From its superb components (don’t you just want to chomp on those eggs like they’re filled with chocolate?) and engine-building game play, Wingspan never disappoints. And while I haven’t deluxified my game (other than a giant 3D printed bird that I use as the first-player marker), the game just feels so lux and fun to play with. There’s also something super satisfying about the combos and activating your birds, while learning all about them. I also enjoy that as the rounds progress, you’re left with fewer real actions, yet with the birds you have laid out in your tableau, it feels like you’re doing even more with each turn. 

All the pretty birds — and some murder birds — in Wingspan.

We decided to continue the nature theme with a game of Cascadia. This puzzly tile-laying drafting game is always such a delight to play, even if the player to your right keeps taking your salmon tokens! It was one of the top 10 games I played in 2021, and every game is slightly different based on the random animal goals that are selected for each game. It’s gorgeous and easy to teach, and I can’t stop recommending this game to people!

The beauty of the Pacific Northwest is evident in the artwork of Cascadia.

We then took a quick break for dinner. I cooked a giant pot of chicken adobo. Yay! I’ve been trying to learn more Filipino recipes, so I’m glad everyone enjoyed this dish. We ate this over rice and had plenty for leftovers the next day.

Chicken adobo is a Filipino dish made chicken, garlic, soy sauce and vinegar, and served over rice. It’s yummy!

After dinner, we busted out Hello Kitty Monopoly. There is something super Boss Lady about asking your husband and three male gamer friends to play this adorable version of Monopoly, which actually ended up being really cut-throat because we played with the real rules. None of this Free Parking cash collection nonsense. I remarked during the game that its second half felt like the wheeling and dealing chaos of Sidereal Confluence, because we needed to make those monopolies to start bleeding our opponents dry. I loved the metal Hello Kitty character tokens, but for those who aren’t familiar with Sanrio, it was a little difficult to figure which piece was yours. Overall, the game was intense and it did eventually end (not like those games during childhood where everyone just got bored because it went on too long), but I was disappointed that I was never able to buy Hello Kitty’s Hotel (aka Boardwalk).

Hello Kitty Monopoly — all the characters may look cute but they will cut you for your property.


Thursday was our D&D day. My friend has worked so hard at painting minis of our individual characters and setting up a game for us as DM. He also gave us sparkly dice to play with! My character was a monk tiefling named Sevi Olum, and she kicked so much butt!

Friendship Con swag also included these sparkly dice for each player for our D&D game.

Our group was Earth’s last hope against an alien invasion, and we worked hard to complete some adventures in a tavern, cave and the sinewy tendrils of a giant eyeball. Ewww! Despite my aversion to eyeballs in general (and not being familiar with too many D&D campaigns), I had a good time with my friends!

The minis are painted, and ready for battle and to save the planet!

We ended our Friday with Just One. Last year, we played a lot of Just One, and I was especially amused that a lot of our inside jokes carried over from those games. It’s truly one of the best party games I’ve ever encountered, and it plays up to seven people. 

Just One is a guaranteed good time!


We started Friday morning by playing Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition, but changed it up by adding the Prophecy of Kings expansion. Since we had never played this expansion before, we dealt out three characters from the expansion to each person and chose one to play. This expansion adds mech leaders with some special abilities. I chose the Naaz-Rokha Alliance, which basically looked like space cats with monkey aliens on their backs. 

These space cats look so intimidating!

Our game lasted about 7 hours, which is quite speedy! The game randomly ended though during Agenda, which gave one player 1 VP to put him at 10! We all got thrown off by the agenda card, but the game was close anyway between him and another guy. 

The most epic of board games: Twilight Imperium: Fourth Edition!

After dinner, we played Battlestar Galactica, one of my absolute favorite games ever! I will only play the base game and with 5P, so we enlisted our friend to come over to run the game. I can’t tell you how much I love this game: the paranoia, the semi-cooperativeness, and the fear of secretly being activated halfway in sleeper phase to become a cylon. It’s always such a great experience, no matter if you win or lose, and especially if I get to play as Helo (which I did!). Unfortunately, us humans did not win this time!

Sadly, us humans could not fight off the cylons. But my man Helo is still looking fine.

We ended Friday night with a 3P game of Dune: Imperium. I’ve been enjoying this worker-placement deck builder the most I play it and wish that more games have this combination of mechanisms. The Lost Ruins of Arnak is the only other game that feels similar to this one! Are there other deck builder worker placements that you can think of?

The more times I play Dune: Imperium, the more I’m liking it!


We started Saturday with Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile. I love, love the adorable artwork and quality components of this game but honestly, something about the chaos of a game in which you need to hang on to your win condition until the start of the next round drives me bonkers. I do enjoy the exploration of the action spaces of the game and moving around the board, but I’ve come to accept that Oath is just not for me. And that’s totally fine! We like what we like!

The gorgeous board and world-building in Oath is top-notch.

I then taught a game of Project L. If you want to learn more about Project L, check out my latest segment on The Five By Episode 123. Project L is a neat engine-builder puzzle where you’re using Tetris pieces to complete cards with puzzles on it for VPs and/or more puzzle pieces. The more cards you solve, the more pieces you’ll have to tackle even bigger puzzles that are worth more points. 

In Project L, you complete the puzzle cards in order to gain VPs and even more pieces.

I then learned how to play Tranquility, a cooperative card game where you work together by putting a card down so that cards fall in ascending order — in silence! This was such a neat yet mildly stressful game because you have to figure out which cards you need to save in your hand to play, or which ones you can discard. If you discard the wrong cards, you and everyone else will get backed into a corner in the display and will be unable to complete the objective. What a fun filler! We actually played this twice because we did badly the first go-around, and we won in our second game!

Tranquility: a silent game of card-counting.

Next, we played Shipwreck Arcana, a deduction and logic game in which players are trying to figure out which fates (numbered chits 1-7) are in your hand while placing drawn fates onto logic cards that can help others figure out which fates are in your hand. I liked the dedication aspect of this game, which reminds me of those logic puzzles growing up.

This logic game relies on placing the correct fates under a card so others can guess which fates you have.

After that, we played Long Shot: The Dice Game. This roll-and-write captures the chaos and excitement of a day at the races. Horses move along the track with each dice roll, and players can choose to bet on horses, buy horses, or collect bonuses. It’s seriously a lot of fun, and even though it’s not your turn, you’re still highly invested in how the race is going and making decisions to win the most money. 

Which horse will cross the finish line first? It’s anyone’s guess in Long Shot: The Dice Game.

For dinner, we ordered some Korean corn dogs for dinner from Two Hands, since these things aren’t readily available on the East Coast. Behold!

Korean corndogs have some crazy combinations such as spicy dogs and potato dogs.

The last game of the night was Alea Iacta Est, a dice worker placement game. I honestly hadn’t heard of this game before, and, despite its goofy 2000s Roman art, I really enjoyed this! Alea Iacta Est is Latin for “The Die is Cast,” and players are using their dice to conquer new provinces and recruit patricians for those provinces. I also thought it was hilarious that unused dice end up in the latrina. 

The artwork on this game just takes me back to the 2000s in board gaming.

Saturday night was the last night we were all together gaming. One guy had to fly back home on Sunday, while the fourth guy was flying back on Monday. Here we are very chipper after long days of gaming!

These guys are the best! One guy from Atlanta couldn’t make it this year. Hopefully he’ll join us in 2023.


We began Sunday with a quick 2P game of The Field of the Cloth of Gold. It’s incredibly tense, and the passive-aggressive gift-gifting is just so amusing to me! The game plays in about 20 minutes, and it’s perfect to bust out when you have a small pocket of time.

A gift for me means a gift for you!

My friend who was still in town and I did some thrifting looking for board game deals and books at various second-hand stores throughout the Valley. My big scores for the day were Pipeline, Kraftwagen and Star Cartel. I’m very excited to try out Pipeline next game day! 

My friend also wanted to try Sonoran hot dogs, something of a specialty here in Arizona. A Sonoran hot dog is a hot dog that is wrapped in bacon and grilled, topped with pinto beans, onions, tomatoes, and a variety of additional condiments, often including mayonnaise, mustard, and jalapeño salsa.

You can’t see it underneath the sauce but those hot dogs are indeed wrapped in bacon.

After that, we drove to my friend’s house to play Alien Frontiers, another dice worker-placement game! It’s a game of resource management and planetary development, where you roll your dice and place them on various action spots on the board. You can unlock new technologies as you control locations on the planet as well as by gaining technology cards. This was the first time I had played this game, and I actually won! But I think I got some practice the night before from learning Alea Iacta Est. Apparently, manipulating dice pips to take action spots is my jam! 

It was my first time playing Alien Frontiers, and I won!

In true Friendship Con fashion, we then played a game of Glory to Rome, with Imperium rules, and our game was so ruthless! I built the forum, which required me to have every type of card in my clientele for a victory, and my alleged friend kept preventing me from doing that. Good times though! 

Rome demands all the things!

And lastly, the final game of Friendship Con was another play of Dune Imperium. It was really nice ending our convention with a game I’m very familiar with.

And just like that, five days came and went so quickly! Thanks for making it all the way down here. I played a total of 20 games, sprinkled in with endless snacks, mostly home-cooked meals, and lots of catching up with my dear friends. Last year’s Friendship Con was in Atlanta, and I hope they had as great of a time coming out here to the Valley of the Sun as I did going there in 2021. And with that, we sail into the second half of summer, hoping the weather will cool down, even just a wee bit. Like seriously, I will gladly take 105 degrees here in Phoenix. What are some of your summer plans?

Top 10 games I played for the first time in 2019

Top 10 games I played for the first time in 2019

Happy 2020, folks! Hope you all have recovered from the hectic holiday season! I know I have! I took one of the longest work breaks for a while as I traveled to Tennessee and Los Angeles to visit family, and then spent a few days at home recovering from all of that. Last year was a year of personal and professional milestones, as well as experiencing joyful memories of seeing friends and loved ones happy and healthy. And, of course, playing lots of board games with all those people! 

Without further ado, here are my top 10 board games that I played for the first time in 2019. 

10. Gandhi: The Decolonization of British India, 1917 – 1947

Gandhi is Volume IX from GMT’s COIN series, which stands for Counter Insurgency. I do love my COINs, and this one especially stands out. Gandhi takes us to India for a detailed look at the final decades of the British Raj. This is the first COIN to include nonviolent factions, which offer a unique perspective to these types of wargames. 

Gandhi is the latest COIN game from GMT Games.

The are four factions: the British Raj, the Indian National Congress, the Muslim League and the Revolutionaries. The Congress and the Muslim League are the two nonviolent factions, and like most other COINs, factions somewhat work together until they don’t in order to meet their win condition. The map is beautifully done, and the game allows wargamers to study this historic period of European imperialism. 

9. Gugong

I did a review on Gugong on Episode 58 of The Five By. It is one of those games that caught me by surprise early in 2019 by having a little bit of everything. It has hand management, set collection and worker placement, and plays 1-5 people. In Gugong, the emperor is working hard to ban corruption within the country, and the highest officials of the Forbidden City would pretend to uphold that ban on corruption by accepting gifts from petitioners instead, and returning a gift of a seemingly lower value. Players do this by playing a card from their hand to activate a location on the board. 

I love using cards to activate locations in Gugong. It makes you to manage your hand well.

Players in Gugong also have to manage their supply of workers with the general supply, which replenishes at a different rate each round. The components are great, and the game scales for all players, with its two-sided board and solo variant. The game also comes with all sort of meeple shapes for various locations on the board.  

8. Just One 

Just One is my party game of the year. It’s so simple to jump into, it’s co-op, and it plays up to seven people! You never quite know if word games will be a hit with various gaming groups (I’m looking at you, Codenames), but Just One has never failed me. In Just One, the group is trying to get the active player to guess the clue on the card by writing a single word associated with it. Before the active player opens their eyes, the group reveals their word, and if there are duplicate copies of a clue showing, they are eliminated from being shown to the active player. The active player then opens their eyes to see the remaining clues and tries to guess the word. 

Can you guess the clue in our Just One game? If you guessed pole, you’re correct!

I particularly enjoy when the group starts finding their groove after a few clues, and the game evolves into a metagame because people start assuming what everyone else will write based on their personalities. And everyone totally loves having their own dry-erase marker and nameplate to write answers on. 

7. Escape Plan

We’ve all watched countless heist films. A group of skilled individuals lay out a plan, execute said plan and grab the loot. And then what’s the saying? The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. Well, then shoot, Plan B. Hide the loot and lay low — for now. But now the time is up, and we’ve all got to grab our hidden loot and get out of the city.

Your mission is to escape the police in three days!

Welcome to Escape Plan, designed by one of my absolute favorite game designers Vital Lacerda. Escape Plan picks up right this moment of the heist narrative: players have three days to evade the cops, get their money and get the heck out of the town. This is by far Lacerda’s lightest game, but it’s still just as tense as his other games — and you never, ever have enough actions to do what you want to do. Just remember: don’t get caught. 

6. Abomination

Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein is a worker placement game that’s strategic and fun, and, surprisingly, oozes with a unique theme that even a sometimes curmudgeonly eurogamer like me can appreciate. In Abomination, scientists are working in Paris to “collect” muscles, organs, blood and bone, and the occasional animal part when really, really needed it. And I say “collect,” because what you’re really doing is raiding hospitals, morgues, cemeteries and other suspicious Parisian locations for the freshest cadaver parts required to create your very own monster! 

Just collecting some body parts in the lovely city of Paris!

The game is great for horror fans and heavier gamers alike but even though the box says 60-120 minutes, I cannot imagine ever getting through a game in under two hours. The 12 rounds take a while — even though there are events or cards that can move the round marker meeple forward — and there are a lot of difficult decisions to make, with decomposition of body parts creeping up on you.

5. The Quacks of Quedlinburg

Quack, quack! And not the bird variety. In The Quacks of Quedlinburg, quack doctors are conjuring up potions by blindly pulling ingredients from their potion bag and adding them to their cauldron. If you don’t bust during a round, you gain VPs as well as the option to purchase new ingredients to throw back into your bag and play a new round. 

We are all quack doctors drawing ingredients from a bag to make potions!

This push-your-luck game is super fun and super addicting, and, surely, you won’t bust when you have a 1 in 10 chance of drawing the one ingredient that will cause your cauldron to spill over. But of course, you manage to pull out that exact piece EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I love this game so much that I even purchased the cloth bags and plastic bits for it via the BGG Store even though I rarely deluxify my games. This game is just delightful. 

4. Wingspan

We can’t talk about last year without adding Wingspan to this list. This game for me — and what is represents — is peak 2019 inspiration. Seeing a female gamer design her own game based on her own interests with a well-known publisher hit the large stage, take flight and soar — pun intended — is exactly what the board game industry needs more of. 

Wingspan is just so lovely to play and look at it. The giant blue bird is something I added to my game though as a first-player token.

Representation 100% matters, and I’m always beaming with pride when I show this game to casual gamers and explain Wingspan’s backstory. The game has enabled me to invite even more casual games to take the next step up in strategy games because of its presentation, subject matter and play style. I’d love to see more success stories like this. Plus, OMG the eggs! 

3. Watergate

Watergate, a historical subject that’s near and dear to my heart, is one of my favorite games of 2019 and I believe the best 2-player of the year. In this day and age, there is something so supremely satisfying about stopping Nixon. But what I particularly love about this game is that you and your opponent can play a game and then switch sides and play another game immediately — and it still hasn’t taken up your entire evening. 

Watergate is my favorte 2P game of 2019.

Watergate fits in a small box and can easily be set up and taken down. I love seeing all the historical figures brought together in this tug-of-war game that is easy to get into. The rulebook and the text on the cards are well done, and there’s even a lot of supplemental information about the presidential scandal in the back of the rulebook.

2. Dead Man’s Cabal

Skulls, skulls and more skulls! While Dead Man’s Cabal comes with a giant sack of bones, it’s the clever and unique game play that makes this game one of my favorites of the year. Players are working to collect and perform ritual cards that score VPs by collecting required skulls at various locations in the game. 

Look at all these awesome skuls!

During a player’s turn, they take a private action and everyone else can take a public action based on skulls in play. Also, you can only activate locations on the board based on what skulls you have in your supply. It’s this midweight interconnected puzzle of skull collection in a 60-minute game that scratches my Vital Lacerda itch. The game has fantastic components, and did I mention it comes with a bag of plastic skulls? What else do you need?

1. Pax Pamir

And now we’ve hit No. 1. Pax Pamir was absolute love at first play at Consimworld. Oh. My. Goodness. Look at those gorgeous components. I’ve played other games in the Pax realm, Pax Porfiriana and Pax Renaissance, and while I enjoyed both of them a lot, the game ALWAYS seemed to take so much longer to explain than the actual game itself. 

I can’t say enough good things about Pax Pamir. And look at how gorgeous that is!

But that’s not the case with this second edition of Pax Pamir. The added map and individual player dials make this game much, much easier to visualize which faction is dominating. During the game, players are buying cards to expand their tableaus. These cards allow them to take actions to strengthen their factions and armies. Players score points when a dominance check occurs. The game comes with so many cards, which keeps each game fresh every time. Pax Pamir (second edition) is my game of the year, and my only regret is not securing a copy for myself. It is, sadly, sold out. Someone hook a lady up!

And that’s my top games of 2019. What are some of your favorites that came out last year? And what are you looking forward to playing in 2020?